Gamma Phi Delta Sorority
...strives to improve the economic, social, and political status of all women; to motivate the members to further their education/training and maintain a better relationship among women of all races and creeds and to be of greater service to the community, country, and to each other. The South Atlantic Region of Gamma Phi Delta Sorority, Inc. is comprised of the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.

“Our region will only be as effective
as we make it.”

Greetings Sorors of
The Sensationally Awesome
South Atlantic Region,
The Sorors of this region are unique representatives of various
facets of professional life and the strength of our region lies
within our experiences, our education, our business acumen,
and our expertise.
So, let’s get to it my sisters – we not only stand on the shoulders of those before us, but we are also the shoulders that will hold up our future Sorors. Remember, we are making this region better for them. Future proofing! Starting today, we are building upon a legacy, elevating our
Soror Angela Bowman
South Atlantic Region Director
Alpha Gamma Chapter
Gamma Phi Delta Sorority, Inc.